When it comes to car repair, sometimes the best you could do would be to prevent a problem before it can happen. Preventive maintenance can save you money and time in the long run, potentially extending the life of your vehicle for as long as possible. As a business owner, you could help others while providing a service which will be profitable for yourself.

At a Grease Monkey International both the franchisee and the customer will be able to get exactly what they are looking for. Grease Monkey was founded in 1978 and currently has over 200 centers open in the US and Mexico.

Currently they are open to new franchises in a variety of cities and states, some of which includes:

* Alabama
* Arizona
* California
* Colorado
* Florida
* Georgia
* Idaho
* Indiana
* Iowa
* and many more

The initial franchisee fee is $30,000 with a 5% royalty. The total investment is anywhere from $200,000 to $250,000 for a single franchise.


Template by Abdul Munir