I’m happy to announce the birth of our third son Greyson Woodrow Alexander Carlson. Mom and baby are doing great.

Thank you to everyone who suggested a name. The winning name was first suggested by Chet Kuhn who said:

Well, of course it should be Greyson. It fits with the G theme, it fits with the sound of the other names, and you can call him ‘Grey’, which is a cool sounding name!

When I contacted Chet about his winning entry and asked him about his prize choice he said said:

You realize, of course, that being a since my girlfriend and I have no kids and two pretty good jobs, there’s absolutely no way that I’m taking any money from someone who’s just had a baby! Thanks anyway, but you keep that $100 and buy something nice for that kid of yours. If you REALLY feel the need to give money away, there’s plenty of good charities out there who need it more than I do.

Chet, that’s really nice of you. When Greyson starts sleeping through the night, I’ll find an appropriate charity to make a donation in Greyson’s and your name.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Greyson’s name came as direct result of the comments on the name the baby post, so my wife and I are very thankful for all of the suggestions. For some reason we were really stuck this time around, and didn’t chose a name until nearly the very end.

Surprisingly for such a good name, Greyson was only suggested one other time, by Tidbits Of Tammy .


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